- 構造一個高爾夫推桿。
- 建造一條鱷魚洞和鯊魚隧道。
- 閱讀語音故事書。
- 練習秒準標靶。
- 發展手眼協調能力。
- 了解奇數和偶數。
- 木製推桿和洞。
- 毛氈碎片和泡沫球。
- 語音故事書。
- 學齡前學習活動書。
- 圖文說明。
Tinkerer – Golf
In this box, your little one will go to the crazy golf course for a wacky round of golf. Grab the putter and hit the ball through the shark tunnel to the hungry crocodile hole. Then, settle down and read the phonics story book, Mole’s Trick.
- Construct a golf putter.
- Build a crocodile hole and shark tunnel.
- Read the phonics story book.
Explore STEAM
- Practice aiming at a target.
- Develop hand-eye coordination.
- Learn about odd and even numbers.
What’s included
- Wooden putter and hole.
- Felt pieces and foam ball.
- Phonics storybook.
- Early years learning activity book.
- Graphic instructions.
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.