- 製作鯨魚水鋼琴
- 染色紙畫
- 跟隨琴譜,彈奏歌曲。
- 了解聲音的傳播方式,如何描述聲波。
- 用聲音做實驗,以及聲音如何在不同的液體中傳播。
- 發現鯨魚如何在海底發聲。
- 製作鋼琴所需的木片、泡沫和玻璃片
- 鯨魚琴盒及裝飾材料
- 《會唱歌的鯨魚》歌譜
- 奧才雜誌
- 圖文說明
Tinkerer – Whale Song
Dive into the sea and sing with the whales in our Whale Piano box. In this box, kids will get musical and make their very own water piano toy that can play different notes. They will learn bleeding paper painting technique and decorate their own whale. But that’s not all, by reading the magazine they can learn all about the science of sound, and create their own sound experiments.
- Construct a water piano
- Bleed paper painting
- Play and invent new songs on the whale piano
Explore STEAM
- Learn about sound how sound travels and how to describe a sound wave.
- Experiment with sound and how it travels through different liquids.
- Discover how and whales sing and why.
What’s included
- Wooden, foam and glass pieces to make the piano.
- Whale case and decorative materials.
- Singing Whale Song Sheet.
- Educational Magazine, containing comic, lots of science, experiments and activities.
- Graphic Instructions.
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.