- 製作一個木製壓板。
- 根據顏色卡指示,用移液管將不同顏色的顏料混合。像科學家們一樣工作吧!
- 利用毛細現象將混合好的顏料吸到筆芯裡,然後組裝成水彩筆
- 跟隨指示完成扎染項目,然後穿線將它做成一個布包吧
- 科學實驗:用層析法將混合好的墨水分離成不同的原色
- 什麼是色譜
- 噴墨打印機的工作原理
- 分解墨水的科學
- 神奇的顏色小常識
- 層析法小實驗
- 樹葉的色素
- 科學實驗用具:量杯,移液器,濾紙,混色瓶
- 12只水彩筆的製作原料
- 一次性圍裙及手套等防護工具
- 製作壓筆器所需的木材
- 扎染布袋
- 色彩科學雜誌
- 圖文說明書
Tinkerer – Coloured Science
Make pens and a funky tie-dye bag in our most colourful box yet! In this box, the kids will learn how coloured inks mix to make new colours, then how to separate inks back into their original pigments using chromatography. Using this knowledge, they can get creative and mix the inks themselves to make their own coloured pens.
- Build a pen maker.
- Mix inks to make pens.
- Design and create a tie-dye bag.
Explore STEAM
- Experiment with chromatography.
- Observe and explore how coloured inks and dyes mix.
- Learn about solutions and solubility.
What’s included
- Wooden pieces to make the pen maker.
- Ink, cloth and pen pieces, to make the bag and pens.
- Filter papers to complete the chromatography experiment.
- Coloured Science magazine.
- Graphic instructions.
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.