- 製造一個會擺動的動物手拉車。
- 用工作鏡片製造雙筒望遠鏡。
- 使用貼紙製作長頸鹿,鱷魚,斑馬和獵豹的動物圖案。
- 了解非洲大草原的棲息地以及動物如何偽裝自己。
- 用鏡片實驗和體驗視角。
- 拼裝建造一個移動手拉車。
- 製造和裝飾動物手拉車的所有材料
- 雙筒望遠鏡和鏡頭組合
- 英語讀音故事書《喝水洞旁的鴕鳥》
- 幼兒學習活動書
- 圖文說明
- 還有更多!
Tinkerer – Savanna Safari
In this box, the little ones will go to the savanna to learn all about the habitat and the animals that live there. They will build binoculars with working lenses, and create a wobbling animal cart that they can tow along. So, what are you waiting for? Grab your binoculars and let’s go!
- Construct a Wobbling Safari Cart.
- Build binoculars, with working lenses.
- Use stickers to create animal patterns giraffe, crocodile, zebra and cheetah.
Explore STEAM
- Learn about the savanna habitat and how animals camouflage themselves.
- Experiment with lenses and perspective.
- Build a moving cart from its base elements.
What’s included
- All the pieces to build and decorate the Wobbling Safari Cart.
- Binoculars and lens sets.
- Reading with Phonics, English story book, Ostrich at the Watering Hole.
- Wonder Activity Book for learning and playing.
- Graphic instructions.
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.