- 製作一個火箭發射器和三枚小火箭
- 製作太陽系的水彩畫海報並添加發光太陽燈
- 跟隨雜誌學習和遊戲。
- 實驗彈射,製作火箭發射器。
- 了解太陽系中的行星。
- 月球上的生活
- DIY隕石坑
- 太空機械人
- 搭建火箭發射器的木片和紙板片。
- 製作太陽系中太陽的工作燈。
- 水彩顏料,塗色星球,太陽系海報。
- 《漫遊太空》雜誌。
- 圖文說明。
Tinkerer – Explore Space
Our new Odyssey box is out of this world, are you ready to get in the rocket and explore space! Discover the wonders of the planets in our solar system then decorate your own solar system poster. Learn all about the International Space Station and the many space crafts that have been sent out into the solar system.
- Make a projectile rocket.
- Create a watercolour poster and light-up poster of the solar system.
- Learn and play in the magazine.
Explore STEAM
- Experiment with projectiles and build a rocket launcher.
- Investigate the future of space exploration.
- Learn about the planets in the solar system.
What’s included
- Wooden pieces and cardboard pieces to construct the rocket launcher.
- Working light to create the sun in the solar system.
- Watercolour paint and posters.
- Explore Space magazine.
- Graphic instructions.
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.