- 建造液壓臂。
- 學習給液壓活塞充氣。
- 在雜誌上閱讀和學習。
- 了解所製作的機械手臂是如何運作的
- 什麽是液壓
- 人體和其他生物體内的液壓系統
- 液壓工程師布拉馬
- 液壓在生活中的應用
- 液壓城市曼徹斯特
- 用液壓驅動的侏羅紀恐龍
- 小小DIY:利用液壓做印章
- 液壓系統所需要的注射筒和管子
- 木片組合和液體顔料
- 圖文説明書,讓孩子輕鬆製作。
- 探索號科學雜志。
Tinkerer – Hydraulic Arm
Harness the power of hydraulics to move and pick up objects by building your very own hydraulic arm. Learn about fluid dynamics and watch it in action as you play and discover the power of water.
- Build the hydraulic arm.
- Learn to fill hydraulic pistons.
- Read and learn in the magazine.
Explore STEAM
- Understand how fluids are moved in a closed system.
- Construct a device that uses fluids to transfer energy.
- Learn about the inventor of the hydraulic press and its applications.
What’s included
- Wooden and foam pieces to make the hydraulic arm.
- Tubes and paints to make the hydraulics system.
- Graphic instructions to help you build the hydraulic arm.
- Explore magazine to learn about the science of hydraulics.
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.