- 製作一個毛氈恐龍頭,拉動線繩,看看恐龍下顎上下擺動
- 恐龍棋牌遊戲。
- 恐龍繪本,了解恐龍的特徵。
- 用平面毛氈佈製作3D立體恐龍頭。
- 了解恐龍時代。
- 了解化石的形成過程和不同類型的化石。
- 恐龍主題棋牌遊戲
- 製作恐龍頭的毛氈布
- 恐龍繪本
- 圖文說明
Tinkerer – Dinosaurs
Take a journey to the Mesozoic era with our Dinosaurs box. In this box, the kids will have fun and learn whilst playing the Tinkerer board game, Mesozoic Fossil Hunt. Then, stomp and roar after constructing their own dinosaur head. Are you ready to dig deeper and discover the dinosaurs found across China?
- Learn about the features of dinosaurs.
- Create a dinosaur head from a 2D net.
- Play the board game.
Explore STEAM
- Create a 3D structure from a 2D net.
- Learn about the Mesozoic era.
- Learn how fossils are formed and the different types of fossils.
What’s included
- Dinosaur themed board game, Mesozoic Fossil Hunt.
- Dinosaur head.
- Dinosaur magazine.
- Graphic instructions.
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.