- 製作三角龍龍頭
- 對應圖形製作3個恐龍印章
- 創建一個恐龍游戲
- 印刷恐龍棋盤
- 閲讀恐龍故事書,練習英文拼讀
- 游戲活動繪本中含有更多的邏輯和數學游戲
- 瞭解恐龍的存在
- 邏輯推理游戲
- 創建並跟隨指令
- 2D 到 3D圖形構建
- 對應圖形
- 毛氈三角龍頭零件
- 恐龍游戲棋盤
- 彩色貼紙
- 6色印泥
- 3個恐龍棋子
- 木質骰子
- 恐龍印刷板
- 3組恐龍骨架貼
- 布袋
- 英文拼讀故事書
- 歡樂號活動繪本
- 家長指導手冊
Tinkerer – Dinosaur World
Close your eyes and imagine the world millions of years ago when giant dinosaurs ruled the planet. Let’s travel back in time and explore the world of dinosaurs! In this box, you will build a triceratops costume, make three dinosaur stamps, and create your very own dinosaur board-game. The box also comes with a dinosaur storybook, Wonder activity book and a parent assistance guide.
- Build triceratop head costume
- Match shape and make 3 dinosaur stamps
- Create your own dinosaur game
- Stamp and print your own game board
- Read dinosaur storybook
- More logical and math games from activity book
Explore STEAM
- Learn about dinosaurs
- Logic deduction games
- Create and follow rules
- Spatial development
- Shape matching
What’s included
- Felt triceratops head pieces
- dinosaur game board
- coloured stickers
- 6 colour stamp pad
- 3 dinosaur counters
- wooden dice
- dinosaur printing template
- 3 sets for dinosaur skeleton stickers
- fabric bag
- phonics reading storybook
- Wonder activity book
- Parent assistance guide
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.