- 在屏幕上投射小紅帽的故事
- 使用提供的故事書講述經典故事
- 繪製圖案並使用3種彩色燈光投射3個彩色的影子
- 鼓勵孩子思考,探索,調查和質疑他們周圍的世界
- 積極探索和發現光與影
- 創意角色扮演
- 閱讀表演能力
- 木製影盒
- 3個故事幻燈片,5個人物和1個透明幻燈片
- 小紅帽故事書
- 紙板燈座和3個彩色燈
- 可擦標記筆
Shadow Play
Assemble a shadow box and explore the fascinating science of shadows. kit comes with a set of 3 projection slides, 5 story figures and the classic story book of the Little Red Riding Hood. The first is to project the classical story on the screen or on the wall using your smartphone as flashlight. The kit also comes with a set of three coloured lights for children to explore the magics of coloured shadows.
- Science of Shadows
- Explore the relationship the coloured lights and coloured shadows
- Literacy Skill
Explore STEAM
- Project the Little Red Riding Hood story on the screen
- Tell the classic story using the storybook provided
- Draw a pattern and use 3 coloured lights to project 3 coloured shadows
What’s included
- Encourage children to think, explore, investigate, and question the world around them
- Active exploration and discovery of light and shadow
- Creative role play
- Literacy skills
Shipping info
Ships within 7 days.