One time Online Class- Explore the world of dinosaurs during the Jurassic period. Learn about dinosaur habitats and diets.
Class Experience
In this class, we will explore the dinosaur world during the Jurassic period. We will learn about their habitats, where they lived, and what they ate. We will also learn the names of different dinosaurs and how they got their names. What is your favorite dinosaur? What did dinosaurs eat? At the end of the class, we will have a show and tell session for students to share about their dinosaurs or to ask questions. The materials needed for this class will be provided in the materials section.
-various dinosaur names.
-Review previous dinosaur knowledge.
-Discuss favorite dinosaur
-Dinosaur comparison (shape, sizes, etc)
-Discuss habitats
-Discuss what they ate (diet)
-Show and tell
No prior knowledge is required.
| Class Goal
The goal of this course is to have a better understanding of dinosaur’s habitats and diets during the Jurassic period.
| Supply List 1 dinosaur toy from any period or drawing for show and tell (optional)
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